Kailee Mckee



Kailee contacted me a little while back about shooting something a little more personal and intimate and obviously I was all for it! I love shoots like these. It allows me and my subject to connect just a little bit deeper, which in turn, puts my subject more at ease. I can’t even begin to describe the importance of trust during sessions like this, if not all sessions. When you develop trust, you are building an environment where not only your subject feels comfortable, but you do too. This leaves more space for your natural creations to thrive, allowing you both to harness your confidence.

Kailee booked a room at a cute little hotel in Rochester, NY where we both met one late morning. Upon our arrival, Kailee greeted me with sushi from Wegmans and a very warm welcome. Her voice was cheerful and her energy was bright. We totally clicked right off the bat and I quickly became very excited about getting to know her more and taking her photo.


I’ll always start my shoots off with a little bit of a warm up, but I’ll be honest. This girl didn’t even need one! Kailee was exuding cold, hard confidence and it was seriously so electrifying. She just owned it, making it very easy for me to photograph her. And aside from it all, me and her were actually having a blast. I don’t think we stopped laughing the entire span of the shoot, lol.

But one thing I want to touch on before I go, is our belief in our powers- we all have power within us and sometimes… we just, feel like we don’t. I know all too well what that can be like. And I’m sure you do, too. But in order to succeed in any aspect of your life, you absolutely must tap into your self confidence. And in order to do just that, I’ve got a few tips that can help put your confidence into drive.

  1. Pay attention to how you talk about yourself and how you describe yourself to others. Kick the negativity to the curb and practice a more positive way of thinking and speaking in regards to who you are as a human. You’re amazing, don’t sell yourself short.

  2. FORGET about what other people are doing with their lives. What are YOU doing? Don’t second guess yourself by comparing your plans to someone else’s. Your decisions and thoughts are unique to you so be proud of what you produce.

  3. Remind yourself what you’re great at. The more you focus on your strengths, the faster your shortcomings will seem non existent. You can’t let what you lack hold you back. You can only recognize what does, work at it, and continue to use your magic.

  4. Just be yourself! Keep it simple, baby. And remember, no one else is you and that is your power.